All Organic

Why Organic? Why does eating organic matter? Why do organic seeds matter? Why do organic fabrics matter? 

For something to meet the USDA standards for being "organic" they have to have been grown / produced without chemical additives or hormones. Organic produce must be produced without herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, or chemical fertilizers. Organic meats must not have been given antibiotics or hormones, and been fed organic feed. Organic seeds must come from plants that were grown organically. And organic fabrics - as I'm sure you've already figured out by now - must have been grown and processed without chemicals.

Growing things organically reduces the amount of poisons sprayed into the air, and that leach into our drinking water from rain runoff. Join us as we make the pledge to eating all organic produce and meat, and gardening organically.

Why Eat Organic?

Why are Organic Foods More Expensive?

How to Organically Control Mosquitoes in Rain Barrels



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