Sustainable SqFt Garden

I've always loved to garden. For most of my adult life I've been limited to container gardening as I lived in apartments or rent houses. While we still live in a rent house, I've delved into sustainable square foot gardening as a way of enjoying the benefits of a home garden without taking up our entire yard. 

Over the next couple of weeks (and months as the plants grow) I will be periodically adding articles about my sustainable square foot garden.

Sustainable Square Foot Gardening Articles

Trash can as rain barrel, by Brittney Voelker
Rain Barrel Options and Installation
Currently we have 4 - 1 of which is actually a commercial trash can. Read more to see why I chose a commercial trash can and what you need to know about installing rain barrels. 

Organically Constrol Mosquitoes and Algae in Rain Barrels
An important part of keeping rain barrels is rain barrel maintenance. No one wants to host a mosquito breeding farm or algae bloom fest. I discuss how we kill mosquitoes organically while preventing algae bloom in our rain barrels here

Bee pollinating clover flower by Brittney Voelker

Weeds for Bees
Honey bees love wildflowers! But most people consider wildflowers weeds and dose them in weed killer. Why? There's no need!

Butterfly Visitor
A gray hairstreak butterfly paid us a visit today. Native pollinators like these are essential for my sustainable square foot garden.

How to Calculate Soil Temperature

Sometimes we need to make sure the soil is warm enough to transplant seedlings or direct sow seeds. Here is how to calculate soil temperature without using a soil thermometer. 

Bee pollinating pumpkin flower
by Brittney Voelker
  Nature's Lessons: What      Flowers Tell Us About    Pollinators

  Flowers and pollinators go hand-in-hand.
  But did you know not all flowers need
  pollinators? And not all pollinators have
  evolved to pollinate every flower. 
  There's so much nature will teach us if 
  we'll just stop to ask, "Why?" 



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